Aronia Charlottenburg
Aronia, benefits: for body, mind, and well-being
Nowadays, we are always looking for solutions to improve the quality of life, by increasing physical and mental health and general mood. We are subjected to daily stress, and any improvement in the condition of the body is necessary. Health must be at the forefront for each of us!
Aronia – the wonder fruit that helps the whole body – is for those who want to improve their immune system and quality of life, as a whole!
The most popular way – and the most enjoyable – to consume aronia is in the form of juice, a very tasty drink!
- 271 kcal and 1135 kj
- 4 grams of protein
- 59 grams of carbohydrates
- 2 grams of fat
- 6 milligrams of manganese
- 74 micrograms of vitamin K
- 72 micrograms of folic acid
- 74 micrograms of folic acid
- Less than 0.1 grams of sodium
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin P
- Vitamin Q
- Magnesium
- Calciumm
- Zinc
- Iron
- Manganeseese
- Potassium
Aronia: Benefits for the body
Aronia is good for your health! It’s even very good for the body, due to the quantity and quality of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other positive ingredients for health!
Aronia: Benefits for immunity
In terms of immunity, it is very important to mention that aronia has a large amount of vitamin C, which helps the body to become stronger. For this reason, the intake of aronia is also effective in the fight against colds, being a good adjunct in terms of maintaining body temperature and for the well-being. Antioxidants play an extremely important role in supplementing vitamins that raise the immune system. We also mention here the antibacterial effect, because it manages to destroy E.Coli and Staphylococcus aureus, but also the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.
Aronia: Benefits in the fight against cancer
Studies by specialists around the world have shown that aronia berries contain 15 times more antioxidants than blueberries, cranberries or pomegranates. These antioxidants reduce the risk of colon or breast cancer. In addition, regular intake of juice strengthens the body that fights this terrible disease.
Aronia: Benefits for the heart
This fruit is also a real help for the cardiovascular system. It keeps your heart healthy, and the chances of myocardial infarction decrease considerably. Aronia can regulate blood pressure, due to its high potassium content, which has a dilating effect.
Aronia: Benefits for diabetics
Refined sugar is present in the body, usually in very large quantities, precisely because it is added excessively in almost all foods we eat. The body suffers and ends up needing help in its processing. Aronia is a basic ally for those who want to control their sugar levels, due to the amount of dietary fibre it contains, and anthocyanins help lower blood sugar. Thus, carbohydrates are well distributed and decomposed with the help of aronia.
Aronia: Benefits for detoxification
People want to be as healthy as possible and lose weight, which is easy gained, because there are generally real weight control problems. Aronia is a food that helps detoxify the body, containing powerful antioxidants.
Aronia: Mental health benefits
Currently, depression and anxiety are becoming more common. So, we need elements that remove these conditions from the body. Consumed regularly, aronia provides a state of well-being. It contains essential vitamins and minerals, which have the role of protecting the body from “poisoning” and reducing stress. Tests on guinea pigs showed positive changes in mood, for subjects who consumed aronia juice after two weeks of use.
In conclusion, aronia is a food that must be eaten, so that the body feels strong and ready to fight any threat!